Big Girl Shoes

March 29, 2011 at 9:45 pm 1 comment

This weekend, a fabulous event for a local nonprofit was held.  There were 300 guests, 20 volunteers, and a big name entertainer from Vegas. Food and drinks were available. People sat at lovely tables that were decorated simply but elegantly. Money was raised. I was the event coordinator, and I couldn’t be more proud of the work that I did.  It was a huge success for the foundation, and personally, it was a big step forward to getting some kind of career going here in our new hometown. I have been hearing the singing of my praises not only after the event, but all through the process about my attention to detail, my creativity, my problem solving skills, and my overall go-gettemness.  It has been wonderful to be recognized for my talents by the board of the non-profit and other colleagues involved with the event. And it has been great to work with such great people.

So why am I still dwelling on the fact that two of the people that I dealt with during this process treated me like a child?  I mean, who cares if one of the people I did business with called me “Kiddo?”  Or that another called me “Squirt?”  YES, SQUIRT!  Do I look five years old (See Below)? I was made to feel by these two people that they regarded me as an amateur who was wearing her big girl shoes for the first time, which was so not the case.  I know my shit!  I get it done. I am competent and in my mid-thirties for Christ’s sake.  ONE person in the world calls me “Kiddo.” His name is Randy and he is my Dad’s oldest friend.  And I don’t believe anyone has called me “Squirt’ ever, until this weekend.

The ironic thing about these people who regarded me as cute or inexperienced is that both of them made mistakes in their part of the event.  So who is a first-timer now?! I know that I look young, and I am glad that I look young. But I was certainly a professional in all of my dealings. I don’t have one of those child-like voices that people mistake for youth and I don’t wear pigtails to important meetings. (I admit that I do, however, wear pigtails from time to time just for fun.) I would chalk it up to male chauvinism, but only one of the guilty parties was a male. On second thought, I WILL chalk his up to chauvinism.

Did Hillary Clinton ever have someone call her Kiddo in her early career?  I am pretty sure if someone did, Hill-Dog would have put them in their place.  Ok, maybe she’s a bad example.  I could be cheeky and say that it is so hard to be cute and blond and professional, but sadly there is SOME truth to that.

Do you remember the story about Debrahlee Lorenzana last June, who claimed that she was forced out of her  Manhattan Citibank job because she was too good looking?  Now, I am not nearly as good-looking as she is, and just like everyone else, I rolled my eyes at this story and said, “Bitch, please.”  But I am POSITIVE that she did have to deal with her share of unprofessional comments based on her appearance, and it is not fair.

I guess my point is this.  If you are engaged in a professional relationship with someone, don’t assume anything.  Be professional and don’t talk down to someone based on their appearance. After all, she might someday become Secretary of State and come back to squash you like a bug.

Mom? Did/does this happen to you?

Entry filed under: One Blonde's Opinion, Rant...For Lack of a Better Term. Tags: , , .

Cowboys are Awesome! Coexist…by scraping off the stickers

1 Comment Add your own

  • 1. Corrina  |  April 1, 2011 at 2:02 am

    So was it the man or woman you called you squirt? I’m a little surprised by their choices, as it’s usually Sweetheart, Darling, or Dearie out here. I don’t know why people insist on using pet names when talking to people they don’t know or are working with in a professional capacity. What’s wrong with Sir or Ma’am??


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